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Program Mode

Have you ever heard of P mode? 

The 'P' Mode, or Program mode, can be found on the top dial of your camera. The Program mode is a tool which is used mostly by beginners. It's a mode that lets you take control of any one of the elements in the Exposure Triangle. It then uses its AI to automatically set the other components to make sure that your shot is Perfect in every way, with as little compromise as possible.

What makes this mode so beginner friendly is the independent control over any factor, without having to go through the trouble of compromising on other factors, or spending tens of minutes making sure that the picture is perfectly lit up.

Camera Shooting Modes – Full Auto mode setting for picture taking

By using Program mode, you will be able to unlock the more creative features of a camera, instead of just being able to set the exposure triangle, or the white balance, which can get pretty boring...

program mode gives you more control than the auto mode, but relatively less control than the other modes that we have seen so far.
This mode will be pretty useful if you don't necessarily understand what should be the proper exposure settings you should use, then you could choose to handle white balance or anything else. The camera will decide by itself what should be the proper exposure! If you don't like it, you can always work on it and make it better.

What is program mode and how do you use it? :: Digital Photo Secrets
