Hey! I'm back with your monthly dose of photography. Today, I learned something that really enhanced the way I took photos (no, seriously). The fact is simple, something that everyone sees everywhere and all the time, but many overlook it. Yes... Its shapes. Shapes are all around us, we find them wherever we go. From billboards to the shopping mall to even the plate on which you eat. The world is full of shapes. I honestly, just used to take photos that looked pleasing, but totally forgot how much better I can make them if I try to see the symmetry and the shapes all around me.
As a photographer, I spend a lot of time looking through my viewfinder, trying to find the right frame, creating high contrast environments, and trying to find the best overall composition. But, some photographers, like me, just try to see things in a complicated way. Allow me to explain. I never looked at the hundreds of shapes around me, and how I could line them up with something similar to receive an amazing shot. Sure, not everything around us is a square or a circle. But, they definitely are many shapes put together. Take, for example, a tree. If we look at its barest shapes, we can basically see a rectangle(the bark) and a mix of triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles on the leaves. If we use all the various kinds of shapes and pay attention to how they are layered upon each other, we can really create some outstanding images.
Look at the picture below for example. You can easily tell the simple shapes in this image. Like the water up to the horizon making up a big rectangle with depth, and the rainbow, which looks like a half circle. Using simple shapes in our photos really enhances its looks.
Another thing that I used to do, was every time that I took a photo, I wanted to try and fit as many things in the background as I could. Of course, in some situations, this might be a good thing, but many times, by keeping it somewhat minimal, you are actually telling the viewer more than you think. Also, sometimes, it is worth keeping everything but your subject out of focus, this really creates that depth in your picture, which is like the cherry on the top. All in all, the more shapes you look for while taking photos, the more you will find things to focus on and things to frame your subjects with.
I hope that all of this made sense to you, I know, I cramp too much information at once, that honestly even I can't fit it in my head. Anyways, now it's time for my totally not long and deep midday Sunday sleep. See you later!
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